- 震波治療理論及實作分享研討會/Shockwave Therapy Theory and Practical Applications Seminar
- 2024年6月2日震波研討會演講紀實/Proceedings of the Shockwave Symposium Presentation on June 2, 2024.
- 給我下半身,圓你下半生/Comprehensive Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
- PRP國際研討會/The PRP International Symposium
- 忠善扶輪社演講 Rotary Club of Taipei Chung Shan Speech
- 體外震波證書 Certification of Low-intensity shockwave treatment (LISWT)
義診/公益活動(Charity clinic/Charity event)
- 2022-11-19 紫陽診所支援獅子會義診 Purple-Sun Clinic Supports Lions Club Free Clinic
- 2024-10-26 紫陽診所支援獅子會義診 Purple-Sun Clinic Supports Lions Club Free Clinic
電台專訪(Radio interview)
診所宣傳(Clinic Promotion)
- 什麼是「無明」?What is "Avidyā"?
- 什麼是「空性」?What is "śūnyatā"?
- 生命的真相/The Truth of Life
- 業如大海 萬象如波 (Karma is like the ocean; every phenomenon is like waves)
- 駭客任務(The matrix)背後的哲學/The Philosophy Behind The Matrix
- 過去已滅 未來未至 現在空寂 (The past is gone, the future hasn't come, the present is empty.)
- 神為何要滿足你的願望?Why does God fulfill your wishes?
- 愚者、聰明人、智者的差別 The difference between idiots, intelligent people, and geniuses
- 有愛真的很重要嗎?Is Love Really That Important?
- 智慧/福德 Wisdom and Merit
- 三教指歸The Ultimate Purpose of the Three Teachings
- 「善良是種選擇」?"Kindness is a choice"?
- 生命有什麼意義? What is the meaning life?
- 興趣與娛樂 / Hobby and Entertainment
- 人際存摺的來源 The sources of relationship deposits
- 吵架卻能不分開的關鍵 The key to having an argument without separating
- 天命真女(子)症候群 “One-itis”
- 好的讚美 Good compliment
- 台灣人有哪些矛盾?The contradictions of Taiwanese people
- 地球人有哪些常見或共同矛盾?Common Contradictions Shared by People from Different Cultures Around the World
- 「高級藝術」(high art)與「低級藝術」(low art)
- 影響薪資收入的因素 Factors That Influence Salary Income
- 平凡人的五大生存思維 The Five Survival Mindsets of Ordinary People
音樂欣賞(Music Appreciation)
占星命理(Astrology and Numerology)
- 西洋占星裡的戀愛與婚姻
- Falling in Love and Marriage in Western Astrology
- 風水與命運的關係 Feng Shui and Fortune
- 古典占星、印度占星的背後哲學 / The Philosophy Behind Classical and Indian Astrology