軟組織適應性生物相容玻尿酸 STABHA™
(Soft Tissue Adapted Biocompatible Hyaluronic Acid)
高強度聚焦式磁場治療儀 HIFEM
(High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Therapy)
體外震波 ESWT
(Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy)
高濃度血小板血漿 PRP
(Platelet Rich Plasma)
失智症專區 Dementia, Alzheimer's disease
- 傳統的阿茲海默症理論受到挑戰!/ Traditional Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Hypothesis is being Challenged!
- 失智症傳統預防治療方法/ Traditional Methods for Preventing and Treating Dementia
- 預防失智新契機─高生物利用率薑黃素Theracurmin!/ A New Opportunity for Dementia Prevention - High Bioavailability Theracurmin!
- Theracurmin及一般薑黃素的各種臨床實證效果!/ Clinical Evidence of HIGH BIOAVAILABILITY THERACURMIN and Regular Curcumin!
營養補充 Nutrition support
- 案例分享—營養補充的重要性
- Case sharing— the importance of nutrition support
- 膠原蛋白有效嗎?/ Is it effective to take collagen supplements?
肩膀痛 Shoulder pain
- 旋轉肌撕裂傷分類 / Classification of rotator cuff tears
- 旋轉肌撕裂傷的危險因子 Risk factors of rotator cuff tears
- PRP治療旋轉肌撕裂傷 / PRP treatment for rotator cuff tears
下背痛 Low back pain
- 下背痛的“紅旗”徵兆 / Red flags of low back pain
- 下背痛可能的原因有哪些? / What are the possible causes of low back pain?
- 常發生骨轉移或脊椎轉移的原發性腫瘤(Primary tumors that often leads to bone or spinal metastasis)
- 體外震波治療下背痛 / Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for Low Back Pain
- 不開刀治療椎間盤突出合併神經壓迫!/Non-surgical solutions to HIVD with nerve compression!
- 腰椎開刀十年後開始痛Pain started ten years after lumbar spine surgery
- 增生療法治療腰椎神經根病變 Prolotherapy for Lumbar Radiculopathy
髖關節疼痛 Hip pain
經痛 Menstrual pain
其他 Others